Wednesday 20 January 2010

Science in the Media

People working academically in the sciences are regularly assessed by university management and possibly funding bodies on their output and the impact of this output. They are often asked to report on media coverage of their work by listing, for example, any newspaper articles relating to their work. So sometimes some of these people will exaggerate or frankly bullshit with the intention of being mentioned in the media. Often the media will exaggerate and bullshit too, so then you get two layers of bullshit.

There is a dangerous sense of self belief and self importance that is annoyingly common amongst people working in academic science which, coupled with an annoying religious reverence for science from the pseudo-intellectual masses of emasculated self confessed geeks, leads to, well, more of this shite.

I think the scientific method is sensible but misconstrued and that there is a lot of science that while not necessarily bad, isn't exactly good and is carried out by people who are frankly a little lazy and perhaps of average intelligence. Which isn't really how people outside of science think it is. Perhaps.

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