Saturday 24 October 2009

Question Time

If you regularly read the British news you will no doubt have seen a lot of newspaper space and television time given over to the fact that the BNP were on question time. Utterly predictable, uninteresting and sadly no Jerry Springer style tear up.

But what gets me about question time is the audience participation. The majority of responses from the public in the audience are badly articulated and often shambolic. It can be embarrassing to watch and often their point is lost, if they had one, or just doesn't make sense. I wouldn't fare much better if I had to speak on live television but then I'd avoid this situation.

One other thing about that particular program was that while it was more than appropriate to scrutinize the politics of the BNP leader and call him out on various dubious and peculiar quotes, they let the Conservative shadow minister for community cohesion and social action Baroness Warsi off pretty lightly when the subject of her apparent homophobia came up.

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