Monday 3 August 2009

Charming Holly Valance

Something painfully unfunny is the insistence of some people to play poorly conceived adverts masquerading as games on msn messenger. For example this loser, Mr Happy, has been wasting a lot of time trying to find answers to utterly inane questions in the game "Charming Holly Valance". The outcome of answering these questions as being able to view five videos, which our friend Mr Happy has failed to do so far.

Anyway, here are links to all five videos and images from the videos Mr Happy failed to reach:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5


  1. i love ur games thank you a lot u love me llooool bye xx

  2. LOL it said I <3 Curry

  3. i win every time. (looking up answers helps alot!)
