Sunday 30 August 2009


The supermarket close to my house is closing and is running their stock down. I do not know where I'll shop for food when it closes.

I could just go for stale bread, off milk and microwave meals from Spar.

I could shop at the fruit/veg shop and have a diet consisting of mainly these.

I could eat out every night.

I could order groceries online.

I could move to a flat with a supermarket nearby.

I could stock up on frozen and tinned food and try and last until it reopens.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

The Hangover

I did not intend to watch this film. Someone told me it was funny. It wasn't.

The film is worse than not funny it is ignorantly offensive and irritating. There were (unfunny) jokes about rape, homophobic jokes (also unfunny), (unfunny) racist stereotypes, (unfunny) jokes about social isolation, there was a cameo from a convicted rapist, and just a general sense of idiocy and catering to idiocy.

There is a section of American society that throws around the word fag and revels in "getting wasted". The whole premise of the film was celebrating people like this going to Las Vegas, a cultural embarrassment and moron magnet.

The only reason I kept watching it was the plot which was ultimately resolved in a clumsy way.

Friday 21 August 2009


Walking across town in the rain to eat food in a chain pub when we could either have gotten a taxi or just eaten in the bourgeois West End.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Lifestyle change.

I have made some radical lifestyle changes lately.
I've stopped eating meat, or at least I'm keeping it to a minimum.
I've stopped reading and watching the news.
I've started playing the piano a lot more, to the point of having sore fingers.
I've stopped doing any work.
I've started listening to mainly hiphop:


Saturday 15 August 2009


There seems to be a bit of a fad for travelling these days. When people say travelling what they usually mean is going on holiday. People go with little agenda and love to talk about it at social events.

Everyone is a travel bore these days. You got a Ryan Air flight to somewhere and did what there? Drank the local tourist beer? Went to a shit night club? Fooled yourself into thinking that you broadened your horizons? Uploaded countless boring photos of yourself to facebook so that everyone can see how well travelled you are and how exciting your life is. Yes, you are practically Jack Kerouac.

Fuck off.

Thursday 13 August 2009


There is something quite awkward when authors speak with the air of having known great character and try to paint images of people with character traits borrowed from people they found interesting and perhaps admired as this often falls flat. I think such character studies often suffer changing times but quite often it is just down to lack of awareness of their limited life experience. I find this utterly exacerbating in Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March. It mainly consists of endless descriptions of characters who frankly I would describe as bores, chancers and those obsessed with social standing. There are so many of them too which means you get little sense of any of them and they don't help draw the protagonist either who is left equally confusingly constructed.

I should point out that I've only read 100 pages of this book and could easily decide to give up on it after another 100 pages.

I'll contrast this with Salter's creation of Verne Rand in Solo Faces who is sharply realised to his peak as an obsessive, determined, able, accomplished and revered young man and then past this.

My point is that a lot of so called classics are just self indulgent and overly long ramblings and reading them because they are classics is idiotic and not funny.

Saturday 8 August 2009

Curry Base Sauce

Here is my latest batch of curry base sauce. This is similar to what they use in British Indian restaurants.

Wednesday 5 August 2009


The fact that so many people drink coffee in places like Starbucks is not funny. The place is full of people tweeting about how wonderful macs are. Morons.

Monday 3 August 2009

Charming Holly Valance

Something painfully unfunny is the insistence of some people to play poorly conceived adverts masquerading as games on msn messenger. For example this loser, Mr Happy, has been wasting a lot of time trying to find answers to utterly inane questions in the game "Charming Holly Valance". The outcome of answering these questions as being able to view five videos, which our friend Mr Happy has failed to do so far.

Anyway, here are links to all five videos and images from the videos Mr Happy failed to reach:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5

Sunday 2 August 2009

Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson is a dick.

But the word ASBOlutely is a nice construction.

And there is this,

Saturday 1 August 2009


"The Volkswagen was invented by a famous sorcerer called Hitler to transport the German masses to Valhalla."