Monday 28 December 2009


It is quite easy to make snide comments about Christmas. For anyone who doesn't have a nauseating amount of affection for their family it is at best boring and at worst awkward and irritating. I don't have far to travel home and can keep the whole exercise in cultural obedience within a tolerable period of time. However I think there should be a realistic movement to abandon the festival and have all champions of it made to eat kilos of revolting Christmas pudding in an over crowded Marks and Spencer food shop while listening to the same Cliff Richard CD being played over and over.

It has a terrible aesthetic, it is cliché ridden, a lot of people find it unpleasant, it is an awful excuse for sloth and indulgence and it is needlessly inflicted on otherwise happy and well balanced people such as myself.

Friday 18 December 2009

I don't think I'm very good at making casual conversation. I find it very hard to articulate myself and to think of appropriate words to use and often seem confused. I don't even think about things before saying them and will say things that may seem quite judgemental or even rude. People say nice things and show interest but I'm somehow unable to think of things to reply with that are appropriately considerate of the fact that they might also have a boring life they would like to discuss. I'm often left with a sense that I'm quite boring and quite bored. My only interesting anecdotes are too shocking to tell strangers, at least I think they are and my comments on popular culture are likely to be negative. I often find myself around pseudo-intellectuals and find their supposedly clever banter and pomposity tiresome. I don't understand, do people think about how they choose to live their lives?

Tuesday 15 December 2009