Wednesday 25 November 2009


For some reason people insist on eating food that from my point of view stinks and from theirs, well, I assume they don't actually think about anything beyond hunger and taste. I don't even care to try and articulate this beyond saying that people who eat fish and chips are morons.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Fuse box

Can you believe that I have old fashioned fuses in my flat. When I got up today two fuses blew before I could shower, luckily I still had fuse wire from the last time this happened though.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Crap Journalism

Something I find increasingly annoying is the badly written and ill thought out journalism that seems to set our political, cultural, social and fashion agendas. The Guardian for example seems to only care about flaunting this annoying brand of smug wit and comment that is rarely funny but most definitely appeals to a target audience of pseudo intellectuals and suckers for modern trash culture and mediocre British twiterati.

It is an ugly brand of popularism that assumes we all have ipods and care about the trite personalities they celebrate and mock pointlessly. I don't care about the latest piece of technological clutter and I don't care that the guardian has suddenly decided that internet dating is socially acceptable or that Matt Lucas isn't funny. Really, who pays for this sort of moronic preaching?

Monday 16 November 2009

Talking to a couple of people who were heading to Optimo last night and my friend's parting words were "whatever you do; don't turn thirty." One of them had a really nice jacket.

Friday 13 November 2009


I went to a concert last night and made the mistake of drinking too much coffee before and then feeling quite uncomfortable for the first thirty minutes. During the break I met a friend and asked what they thought of the first two pieces, apparently the second violinist was all over the place and they could have done with practising the first piece more. I have no idea how people can spot something like this without knowing the music well, it all sounded fine to me.