Friday 23 July 2010

Wednesday 19 May 2010

I'm in Sweden, if anyone cares.

Sunday 18 April 2010

I'm still undecided.

Take the Who Should You Vote For? UK General Election quiz

Liberal Democrat73
UK Independence19

You expected: LIB

Your recommendation: Green

Click here for more details about these results

Wednesday 7 April 2010


URG I've been eating this rancid crap for no God damn reason! I bet sunburn is totally fine too. Seriously, why is the government so crap at science? I'm starting to doubt global warming and the existence of dinosaurs now.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Tonight's Dinner

A prawn curry made from scratch.

Lunch Today

Lunch today is home made cream of mushroom soup.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Tuesday Dinner.

I don't know what to have for dinner. I might go and buy veg to make a curry base but I won't be able to eat this tonight. So I might go and get a take away curry. £5 before 7pm. I'm really not sure how healthy these curries are. My guess would be, very unhealthy.